Partner Brands

Exciting News! 360 Kids Partners with Mamahood, Your Holistic Health and Community Companion!

We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with Mamahood, the UAE’s largest app for moms. At 360 Kids, we believe in holistic wellness for families. That’s why we’ve teamed up with Mamahood to empower women and families with tailored support at every stage of their journey.

🤰 A Holistic Approach to Health and Well-being

Mamahood is your trusted health advisory partner for women and family health. They provide professional care, credible resources, and a vibrant community to help you navigate the transformative journey of fertility, pregnancy, parenting, and beyond. More than just an app, Mamahood is a supportive community that celebrates diverse womanhood and promotes holistic wellness.

👩‍👧‍👦 Join Mamahood Today!

Join Mamahood for informed decisions, inclusive care, and exclusive deals. Elevate yourself to a healthier, happier life with Mamahood! Whether you are on a fertility journey, expecting a baby, or navigating the challenges of parenthood, Mamahood has the resources and community to support you every step of the way.

📢 Calling All Employers!

If you’re an employer, Mamahood can also benefit your company. Their services reduce absenteeism, increase productivity, improve employee morale, and enhance employer branding. Consider providing Mamahood’s support to your employees to create a healthier and happier workplace.

👉 Ready to Get Started?

Sign up with Mamahood today to experience holistic health and well-being benefits for women and families. With Mamahood, we are committed to empowering individuals and promoting a culture of health and wellness.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates and resources from our partnership with Mamahood! 🌟


New Partnership Announcement: Empowering Youth with A Beautiful Young Mind!

🌟 Thrilled to Welcome “A Beautiful Young Mind” to Our Family!

We are excited to announce our latest partnership with “A Beautiful Young Mind,” a pioneering resource in child and adolescent mental health. This collaboration is part of our ongoing commitment to supporting the holistic development of children and families.

🧠 Understanding Young Minds: Comprehensive Mental Health Insights

“A Beautiful Young Mind” offers a comprehensive exploration of mental health challenges specific to young individuals. Crafted with the expertise of licensed child psychiatrists, this resource delves into critical issues such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, and more, providing invaluable insights for parents and educators.

🤝 Join Us in Making a Difference

Together with “A Beautiful Young Mind,” we aim to raise awareness, educate, and provide support to empower our children and adolescents. This partnership reflects our dedication to creating a supportive community that fosters mental well-being and resilience among the younger generation.

Explore this transformative resource and join us in making a positive impact on the lives of young individuals. Embrace the journey towards a healthier, more supportive future for our children.

360 Kids Proudly Partners with Bloomies!

🌱 Welcome to Bloomies: Where Babies and Sustainability Meet

Bloomies stands out not just as a baby care brand but as a pioneer in eco-conscious parenting. Specializing in hypoallergenic and biodegradable bamboo diapers and pants, Bloomies offers products that are as gentle on your baby as they are on the planet.

💚 Crafting Comfort and Care

Each product from Bloomies is crafted with precision and love, designed to provide maximum comfort without compromising on performance. Our premium baby pants and diapers are equipped with a wetness indicator and feature a super absorbent core and soft, stretch fasteners for a snug fit that moves with your baby. 

💙 Choose Bloomies Today

Discover our range of eco-friendly and skin-friendly baby care products at Bloomies’ website. Join us in our mission to provide the best for your little ones while caring for our planet. Embrace a brand committed to your baby’s comfort and well-being. 

 25% OFF DISCOUNT CODE – 360KIDS25      


Discover Azeta Bio: Excellence in Organic Baby Skincare!

🌟 Quality and Sustainability: 

At Azeta Bio, we take pride in producing top-tier organic skincare products for your little ones. Established in 1979 and operating out of Italy, our commitment to sustainability and premium quality sets us apart. Every product is a blend of the best organic ingredients, ensuring safe and gentle care for your baby’s delicate skin.

🌱 Certified Organic Excellence: 

Each of our offerings—from baby oils and diaper creams to shampoos and lotions—is crafted with 100% certified organic materials. These ingredients are sourced from dedicated organic farms, ensuring their purity and effectiveness without compromising environmental integrity.

💡 Innovative Skincare Solutions:

Explore our innovative product line that merges traditional skincare methods with modern organic standards. Azeta Bio is not just a brand; it’s a movement towards healthier, eco-friendlier skincare practices that nurture both your child and the planet.

🌍 Join Our Green Journey: 

Become part of a community that values sustainability and meticulous care. With Azeta Bio, experience skincare that loves your baby as much as you do. Trust us to care for your child’s skin with the respect and attention it deserves.

🛒 Ordering Options: 

Clients can order directly through our Instagram at Azeta Bio Instagram or by calling us at +971 54 500 3095.

 20% OFF DISCOUNT CODE – 360KIDS20      


Exciting Collaboration with Children's author Ivy B. Ogbu!

📚 About Ivy: 

Ivy B. Ogbu, co-founder of Raise Change Makers, is a dedicated life coach and children’s author with a deep focus on sustainability and conscious parenting. Her work with the United Nations on global sustainability initiatives provides a unique backdrop to her literary contributions, which bridge significant sustainability goals with personal actions.

📖 Literary Contributions: 

Ivy has authored the inspiring children’s book series, Raising Change Makers with Cyril, which simplifies complex sustainability concepts into engaging stories. These books foster kindness, awareness, and critical thinking in young minds from ages 6 to 12. The stories are not just books; they are tools for nurturing a generation that values and understands the importance of well-being and environmental responsibility.

🌟 Join Our Community: 

Join us in embracing Ivy B. Ogbu’s vision through her children’s books, which are pivotal in fostering a sustainable future. Our partnership with Ivy reflects our commitment to empowering families with the knowledge to lead more environmentally conscious and sustainable lives.

📞 Direct Contact: 

Clients can directly order Ivy’s books via Instagram: Ivy’s Instagram and by phone at +971 55 724 5833.

Explore Ivy B. Ogbu’s world of children’s literature and embark on a journey towards a sustainable and conscious lifestyle! 

 20% OFF DISCOUNT CODE – 360KIDS20     
Conscious Parenting
Conscious Parenting
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